Gemstone is a gift from the nature, not oly because of the beautiful vivid color, but also its mystery power from the natue. 

It is believed that there is a connection between the month of your birth and different types of rare and unique gemstones. Let's together find out what is your birthstone and the benefit of wearing it!


January Birthstone: Garnet

Heart Shape Red Garnet Rose Gold Bracelet | GMT

Garnet is the birthstone for those that are born on the month of January. 

Garnet is typically a deep red gem and it is a popular choice for jewelry of all types. that goes with just about any type of jewelry. 

It is believed to be the stone of commitment and self-empowerment, it represents love, revitalises feelings and enhances sexuality.


February Birthstone: Amethyst

Crown shape amethyst purple silver bling ring | GMT

Amethyst is the birthstone for those that are born on the month of February. 

Amethyst is actually a variety of crystalline quartz in colors ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple. It has long signified royalty and adorns many crowns and royal jewelry.

It is believed to be the stone of healing, with power to easing pain and improving circulation.


March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Aquamarine silver crystal bracelet | GMT

Aquamarine is the birthstone for those lucky enough to be born in March.

Aquamarine is member of the beryl family, a rare silicate mineral. As the name states, it is generally a blue to blue-green crystal and  an excellent jewelry stone.

It is believed to be the stone of cleansing, which inspires the truth, trust and letting go.


April Birthstone: Diamond

Diamond, the birthstone for the month of April.

Diamonds are one of the rarest gemstones in the world which are 58 times harder than any other mineral on Earth. As a beautiful, timeless and immensely popular gemstone – titis prized for it’s clarity, beauty and value.


May Birthstone: Emerald

Emerald sterling silver gold plating star ring

Emerald is the birthstone for those born in the month of May. 

The emerald is also a member of the beryl family, it is part of the "big three" colored gemstones in addition to ruby and sapphire, normally in deep to medium green, bluish green.

It is believed to be the stone of successful love.with power of calming, balencing and bringing harmony.


June Birthstone: Pearl 

Pearl feather pendant silver gold plating necklace

Pearls are your lucky birthstone if you were born in the month of June. 

Pearls are one of the most elegant gems that found within living creatures, mollusk. They arereckon as gemstones but not minerals. 

They have long been associated with purity, humility and innocence and are also believed to have power to bring prosperity to the owner.


July Birthstone: Ruby

Sterling silver ruby gold plating open ring

Ruby is the birthstone for the lucky ones born in July.

Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewelry stones, it is a variety of corundum which is colored to a deep red coloring by chromium.

It is believed to be the stone of passion, just as the red color shows, it encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage.


August Birthstone: Peridot

Peridot Silver Gold Plating Stacking Bling Ring | GMT
Peridot is your birthstone if you were born in the month of August.

It is a gem quality olivine crystal, and is popular in modern jewelry design with its beautiful green vibrant glow.

Peridot is known as the stone of fortune with the magical power of anti-negativity, and assist you to act out your desires.


September Birthstone: Sapphire

If you were born in September your birthstone is the sapphire.

A sapphire is a variety of corundum that usually of a pure deep blue color, however, not all sapphires are blue, in fact ,it comes in every color of the rainbow. Except red.

It is believed to be a stone of wisdom and royalty, which brings the owner  protection, good fortune and spiritual insight.


October Birthstone: Tourmaline or Opal

Vintage opal pendant silver gold plating necklace | GMT

Your birthstone is both tourmaline and opal if you are born in October.

Opal is reckon as the traditional birthstone of this month, as my favourite, it is the most delicate gemstones commonly worn and require special care.

Opal is known as the stone of emotion that intensifies emotional states and releases inhabitations.

In the morden list, Tourmaline is also known as the October birthstone, in fact, it is not a single mineral, but a group that have very different chemical compositions and colors. 


November Birthstone: Topaz or Citrine

Citrine dangle drop earring sterling silver with gold plating | GMT

Both topaz and citrine are the birthstones associated with the birth month of November.

Citrine is the yellow to red-orange variety of crystalline quartz, and oTopaz is colorless but can take on a variety of colors dependent on certain impurities.

Citrine is known as the stone of prosperity and commercial success, and topaz is known as the stone of truth and love.


December Birthstone: Blue Zircon

Moon and star stacking ring with blue zircon December birthstone | GMT

The most common birthstone of December is Blue Zircon, however, tanzanite and turquoise, which are also of a deep blue color counts for the month too.

This stone heals your stagnant energy from various stress and brings your purity back.